Does Ketamine Stay in Your System

Understanding the duration of drugs in our system can help us better comprehend substance use and misuse.
One important thing to know  especially if you’re a person receiving ketamine, in recovery, researching, or a concerned family member – is the pharmacokinetics, or how a drug moves through the body.

Below, we’ll discuss ketamine  its uses, effects, and how long it stays in your system.
Including it’s detection in the body, like saliva, blood, urine and hair.

So let’s get started.

What is Ketamine?

Ketamine was first discovered in the 1960s as a fast-acting anesthetic.
It is now used in both human and veterinary medicine.
Ketamine helps people with depression and it manages pain too.
Ketamine works mainly on the central nervous system. It’s also known for its hallucinogenic effects when misused.
There are different forms and types of ketamine available – like powder, pills, or liquid.

Ketamine Uses and Duration of Effects

Ketamine is usually given intravenously or intramuscularly.
There’s also an FDA-approved nasal spray called Spravato (Esketamine) — it’s used for treatment-resistant depression (TRD) and major depressive disorder (MDD).
Lower doses of ketamine relieve pain and make you feel relaxed, but higher doses cause hallucinations and dissociation.

The duration and intensity of its effects depend on the dose and the way it’s administered. The duration can last from a few minutes to several hours.

  • It usually takes around 10-15 minutes for ketamine to start working after being snorted.
  • It can take around 20 minutes for its effects to kick in when consumed as a tablet.
  • Injecting ketamine directly into a vein gives immediate effects.
  • The effects take about 4 minutes to show after being injected into the muscle.

Some effects of Ketamine are:

●Pain relief.
●Altered sense of time and space.
●Elevation of mood.

How Long Does Ketamine Stay in Your System?

A common question is: How long does ketamine stay in your system?

The duration ketamine stays in the body can depend on some things.

  • A person’s metabolism.
  • Their body mass.
  • Age and overall health.
  • Liver function.
  • Hydration levels.
  • Inherited genetics.
  • The dosage taken.
  • If Ketamine was mixed with other drugs.

Ketamine Detection Tests

  1. Saliva test – shows ketamine up to 24 hours after use.
  2. Blood test – detects ketamine for about 3 days, works best in the first 24 hours.
  3. Urine test – can find ketamine up to 14 days after use; in some cases, it can be up to 30 days.
  4. Hair test – ketamine traces stay in hair follicles for up to 4 months after a single use.

Staying well-hydrated helps clear the drug faster from the body.
But if someone isn’t hydrated well, the drug might last longer in their system.

Who Is Not a Good Candidate for Ketamine Therapy?

Even though ketamine really has shown positive outcomes in treating certain mental health conditions  it might not be suitable for everyone.
You’re not a good candidate for ketamine if you have:

  • A history of psychosis.
  • Severe cardiovascular conditions.
  • Active internal bleeding.

Ketamine therapy is not generally recommended for people with these conditions.
You should always speak with a licensed healthcare specialist before starting any new treatment.

Signs of Ketamine Misuse

Chronic misuse of ketamine causes several physical and psychological symptoms.
Some long term effects of ketamine can be:

  • Major changes in behavior.
  • Bladder issues.
  • Impaired cognitive function.
  • Unusual agitation or panic.
  • Persistent hallucinations or delusions.
  • Physical symptoms like unsteadiness, slurred speech, and memory problems.

Misusing ketamine can have harmful effects, along with addiction.

Treatment Options for Ketamine Misuse

If you or someone you care about is struggling with ketamine misuse or showing signs of ketamine addiction – professional help is available.
Treatment options can consist of:

  • Behavioral therapy.
  • Support groups.
  • Medically supervised detoxification programs.

It’s important to get help from professionals who understand the nature of substance misuse and provide efficient, compassionate treatment.

Ketamine Detox

Detox is the process of eliminating a drug from the body.
Detoxification from ketamine is always best done under professional medical supervision because of the possibility of ketamine withdrawal symptoms.
Withdrawal symptoms can be unpleasant and range from mild, like insomnia and agitation, to severe, like paranoia.
Supportive care during this phase is important for one’s safety and comfort.

To Conclude

Ketamine has shown positive results when it comes to some mental health issues.
Even so, it’s important to make conscious decisions and go for the correct dosage if you’re considering taking ketamine.
Consult with a healthcare expert and let them determine if ketamine is the right choice for your condition.
It’s important to never misuse ketamine, since it can cause withdrawal symptoms.
When it comes to substance use and recovery, being aware of ketamine’s long-term effects is just one aspect to consider.
What’s most important is noticing signs of misuse and knowing when to get help.
If you or a loved one is dealing with addiction and dependency, don’t feel alone – some resources can help.

Reach out to Goodness Psychiatry today for support and advice.


Does ketamine therapy get you high?

Ketamine can get you high in cases when it’s taken without proper dosage or aftercare.
However, ketamine therapy, when provided under the supervision of a healthcare provider, followed by aftercare, has therapeutic benefits without causing a feeling of high.

Where can I find ketamine near me?

You can find professional ketamine therapy providers near you by consulting with mental health professionals, clinics, or through online directories that specialize in ketamine treatments.

How to get ketamine infusions covered by insurance?

There are differences in insurance coverage for ketamine infusions.
Find out if your insurance company covers ketamine therapy by contacting them directly.

What is the ketamine treatment cost?

Ketamine cost varies.
To find out pricing details, please contact the respective providers.

How long does ketamine nasal spray last?

Ketamine nasal spray can last for up to three hours.

How long does ketamine pain relief last?

The treatment takes about 40 minutes. The pain relief lasts for a few days and gradually wears off.

What is the ketamine dosage for depression?

Ketamine dosage for depression is decided by healthcare professionals — based on a person’s condition and the severity.

Who can administer ketamine?

Ketamine is administered to patients by trained professionals, usually in the presence of mental health or anesthesiology providers.

Does ketamine show in drug tests?

Yes, ketamine shows up in drug tests.

Is ketamine legal in Texas?

Ketamine is illegal for recreational purposes worldwide.
In Texas, physicians can prescribe it off-label.

Who is a good candidate for ketamine?

●Patients experiencing treatment-resistant depression.
●Major depressive disorder.
●Severe anxiety.
●Chronic pain.

A comprehensive assessment by a healthcare professional is essential.

Is ketamine for PTSD a good idea?

People with chronic PTSD symptoms can benefit from it when administered by a medical professional.

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